
Easing Stress Headaches

Most headaches are caused by muscular tension in the scalp and surrounding muscles of the jaw, neck, shoulders, and back. For most people, tension headaches are a physical and emotional reaction to stressors such as personal or work problem, working in one position for an extended period, and being exposed to excessive noise. Headaches also are a common symptom of viral infections such as a cold and the flu or bacterial infections such as sinusitis and can be triggered by outside agents such as perfumes, mold, and noise. Except for headaches caused by infections, headache pain is best treated by reducing the pressures in your life and by avoiding headache triggers. Periodic tension headaches rarely are indication of other health problems such as brain tumor or hypertension. Brain tumors are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as paralysis and personality changes. Listed are some precautionary measures for the relief of headaches:

  • Learn deep muscle relaxation techniques
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all
  • Take aspirin, ibupropen, or acetaminophen to relieve headache pain
  • Apply a heating pad or warm washcloth to the back of the neck
  • Take a long, hot shower or bath, followed by a self-massage to the back of the neck, temples and forehead may help
  • Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress and muscular tension.
  • Massage the neck muscles
  • Check your posture
  • Identify and learn to avoid triggers such as perfumes, mold, and noise that may cause you headache

Further, signs where you have to consult your doctor: If headaches are associated with fever and neck stiffness. This may indicate Meningitis.


One of the many things that can influence childs grades in the school is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability or power to control and trains one’s actions, impulses, or emotions. When it comes to studying, this trait can determine whether or not your child will stop playing and start doing his homework. If your child is self-disciplined, he can tell himself to study even if he does feel like it or review for a test even if he would rather watch the television. A self-disciplined child is able to do his homework even if it sometimes difficult. As we all know, studying is not always a pleasant task. The commitment and responsibility school requires of a child is probably similar to what a company needs of an adult employee. You can then imagine how demanding school can sometimes be.

As parents, we can have a strong influence in helping our children develop self-discipline. One way is by encouraging them to grow up with what we called “HFT”or high frustration tolerance. Do you allow your child to experience natural disappointments or some degree of discomfort? Or do you always cushion him from pain and make life easy as possible? HFT promotes a child’s ability to tolerate difficulties later on and so helps him become more persevering. The opposite of a child who is self-disciplined is one who is pampered. Such a child usually has poor frustration tolerance. He is used to doing things the easy way. He lacks perseverance and may easily give up. Even if he is described as intelligent, he may find it hard to stay focused on school work gwhen he begins seeing it as tedious, boring or difficult. Natural disappointments occur in situations beyond our control. If your child wants something he unexpectedly cannot have or an activity is planned but it suddenly does not push through. To develop HFT , it is good to allow such natural disappointments to happen. What you have to do is to tell him you understand how bad he feels about it, but that he has to accept the situation.

Aside from natural disappointments, you can create a tolerable degree of difficulty or discomfort at home. Some parents say they don’t want their children to go through the hardships they experienced when they were young. But now we realize that a certain amount of frustration can strengthen our children.



Self-esteem has become the single most important consideration in child-rearing and education. But the self esteem movement is suffering a backlash as it comes under critical scrutiny from experts. It seems the notion that a kid full of self esteem will be popular and high achieving in school and in life is not well supported by clinical practice. Nor, for that matter, does it ring true many experienced teachers and parents. Previous generations of parents were more interested in teaching their kids character, which included components of hard work, morality, honesty, charity, and spiritually. The cultivation of self-esteem in a child who didn’t posses such traits would have seemed a seriously misguided effort.

The most reliable path to self-esteem is for a kid to attempt a goal they believe is too hard, to work toward it, and, finally, either to accomplish it or to feel that a good try was made. Moreover, kids aren’t fooled by indiscriminate praise. Unaware of child’s goals, we may praise the wrong thing. It is not nearly as useful to a child as the truth. Failure provides the needed contrast that makes success all the sweeter when it happens. It is not necessarily a bad thing. When we muffle our children in a haze of supportive words and blunt their experiences of consequences, we could be making it harder for them to deal with the real world.



Oftentimes, the child real problem is sleep deprivation. They have two personalities: one that’s well rested and one that’s not. Any parent knows that a too-tired toddler will be cranky, whiny, and more tantrum-prone. A school-age child may act grouchy, moody, and withdrawn to the point where he doesn’t want to play with friends or stops showing interest in his usual hobbies. Not getting enough sleep can also make a child distracted, easily frustrated, and, in some cases hyperactive. Fatigue makes some adults and children more active, more intense. In kids, this behavior sometimes gets treated with drugs when trying to help them stay rested would be better first step. You may find your child’s behavior changes if she sleeps better for several days. If not, then it’s time for a visit to your doctor who can recommend the next step. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep significantly impairs children’s progress in school. In terms of its emotional effect, fatigue ratchets up the frustration level quite quickly. If a sixth grader is doing her homework at 10 o’clock at night, she’s more susceptible to getting upset if something stumps her and less likely to hang in there and do a good job. Just as parents too have less patience to help with schoolwork as the night wears on. You have to get kids started on their homework earlier, and get them used to regular nighttime with a wind-down period of 1 or 2 quiet activities. But if you get stuck in one of those late-nights meltdown, suggest that your child go to bed, and offer to get her up early enough in the morning to finish. You can teach children something critical by pointing out the link between their behavior and sleep. Maybe you tell them, “I’m sending you to your room because you’re misbehaving, and I think a lot of it because you’re tired. Get some some rest, and you’ll feel better. When your kid doesn’t like to go to bed, then give the child no options when it comes to bedtime. No TV, no reading, no video games, no sitting on the couch with Mom and Dad until he feels tired. Make him stay in the bedroom with the lights out. But if the child needs comfort, stay in their room and sit beside the child’s bed until she falls asleep, then progressively move the chair farther across the room each until she is used to sleeping alone. On the other hand parents need to be rested to be effective and compassionate with their children.


Oftentimes, the child real problem is sleep deprivation. They have two personalities: one that’s well rested and one that’s not. Any parent knows that a too-tired toddler will be cranky, whiny, and more tantrum-prone. A school-age child may act grouchy, moody, and withdrawn to the point where he doesn’t want to play with friends or stops showing interest in his usual hobbies. Not getting enough sleep can also make a child distracted, easily frustrated, and, in some cases hyperactive. Fatigue makes some adults and children more active, more intense. In kids, this behavior sometimes gets treated with drugs when trying to help them stay rested would be better first step. You may find your child’s behavior changes if she sleeps better for several days. If not, then it’s time for a visit to your doctor who can recommend the next step. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep significantly impairs children’s progress in school. In terms of its emotional effect, fatigue ratchets up the frustration level quite quickly.

If a sixth grader is doing her homework at 10 o’clock at night, she’s more susceptible to getting upset if something stumps her and less likely to hang in there and do a good job. Just as parents too have less patience to help with schoolwork as the night wears on. You have to get kids started on their homework earlier, and get them used to regular nighttime with a wind-down period of 1 or 2 quiet activities. But if you get stuck in one of those late-nights meltdown, suggest that your child go to bed, and offer to get her up early enough in the morning to finish. You can teach children something critical by pointing out the link between their behavior and sleep. Maybe you tell them, “I’m sending you to your room because you’re misbehaving, and I think a lot of it because you’re tired. Get some some rest, and you’ll feel better.

When your kid doesn’t like to go to bed, then give the child no options when it comes to bedtime. No TV, no reading, no video games, no sitting on the couch with Mom and Dad until he feels tired. Make him stay in the bedroom with the lights out. But if the child needs comfort, stay in their room and sit beside the child’s bed until she falls asleep, then progressively move the chair farther across the room each until she is used to sleeping alone. On the other hand parents need to be rested to be effective and compassionate with their children.



One of the most common question is…is it true that bathing can dry our skin? It sounds strange, but the thing we do to stay clean and healthy is through bathing which some say it can be unhealthy for the skin. The good news is it doesn’t have to be, if you do it right. Avoid using harsh deodorant or anti-bacterial soaps. They rob your skin of essential lipids. Instead, try mild moisturizing soaps or a body wash. Also, avoid taking very long or very hot showers, just bathe with cool or lukewarm water, and try not to stay in the water too long…don’t wait till you fingertips wrinkle up like raisins.

It’s a great observation that smokers seem to age earlier and it’s not a coincidence. Smoking ages the skin in many ways. It constricts the blood vessels under the skin, so the skin doesn’t get all the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It exposes the skin to toxic chemicals and increase the level of free radicals in the body, which also contribute to rapid aging. Years of smoking will cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely, and even have a grayish color. Plus, all that squinting from the smoke and pursuing the lips around the cigarette also mean more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. So vain smokers, beware. You might not care about the health risks of smoking, but you’ll surely hate the wrinkles it’ll give you!

While you don’t have to do it for as long as sleeping beauty did, sleep is necessary for healthy skin. Ever noticed how bad you look after a sleepless night? Whether it’s dark circles and bags under your eyes, a dull complexion or pimples, lack of sleep can’t be hidden. Sleep is necessary so your body can repair skin cells damaged during the day. So get at least eight hours a night and wake up looking and feeling your best!



These days, liposuction seems to be everyone’s answer to a less-than-perfect body. But what is liposuction? It is a surgical procedure involving the removal of excess body fat through. Fat distribution in the body largely depends on heredity and diet. By the time a person reaches puberty, he would already have all the fat cells he will ever have in the body part where it is supposed to be. Diet can increase or decrease the amount of fat in each cell, but won’t affect the number of cells. So if a person inherited a large number of fat cells on her hips and a small number on her chest, then she’ll always have a bigger butt than breasts. Liposuction can be used to contour the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

The ideal candidate for liposuction should not be more than 10 to 15 percent above is ideal weight. It should be preferably young because they still have good skin elasticity. This makes for a smooth surface contour. Although liposuction can remove some of the fat cells, it is not a guaranty that your body will not go back to its original form if you do not watch your diet, those remaining cells can get bigger or smaller. There are also the so called progenitor cells. You call them baby cells, which, as the need arises, can produce fat cells.

Patients are given a complete medical checkup about two weeks before the operation. It should check if the patient is underlying medical problems..for example if the patient is hypertensive, his blood pressure should be controlled to avoid bleeding problem. Patients who are smokers are asked to stop smoking two weeks before the operation.

The procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours. Four horizontal incisions about 1.5 centimeters each were made on the lower part of the abdomen. A

surgical cannula or tube was then inserted through the incision into the fat. The cannula was attached by flexible tubing to a vacuum pump. The cannula sucked out his fat cells. Since there is a blood loss involved, only 5 liters of fat were taken up. That is the maximum. If it goes beyond, there might have massive blood loss. There are fluid replacements given to a patient because lot of fluid were lost.

After the surgical operation, there are certain amount of swelling and bruising and, for some patients, numbness. For two weeks, patients wear either a girdle or a snug elastic dressing over the treated area to reduce swelling and helps shrink the skin. Scarring is not much of a problem because incisions can be made in natural body creases or in areas hidden by clothing. Price for the operation is affordable depending on where you get it and more importantly, who performs it.

Risks is also expected. There are fatalities reported since this kind of operation was introduced. Three of the patients die of low blood pressure and hearts rates with no definitively identified cause. Another died of fluid overload. Still another due to clotted blood getting into the lungs. But inspite those casualties, they found out that no records are kept of deaths or complications arising from the procedure. In some states in the world, doctors are not required to prove that they know how to perform a liposuction before offering the service. The doctors are dermatologists but not surgeons. They have only taken six-month training courses in the field of aesthetics, but have little or no experience in surgery.

Liposuction is not a trivial procedure because it has the potential to kill otherwise healthy persons. Despite such a gloomy admonition it seems that liposuction is here to stay. But in some, it is very beneficial, it has change their life and became famous.