

One of the most common question is…is it true that bathing can dry our skin? It sounds strange, but the thing we do to stay clean and healthy is through bathing which some say it can be unhealthy for the skin. The good news is it doesn’t have to be, if you do it right. Avoid using harsh deodorant or anti-bacterial soaps. They rob your skin of essential lipids. Instead, try mild moisturizing soaps or a body wash. Also, avoid taking very long or very hot showers, just bathe with cool or lukewarm water, and try not to stay in the water too long…don’t wait till you fingertips wrinkle up like raisins.

It’s a great observation that smokers seem to age earlier and it’s not a coincidence. Smoking ages the skin in many ways. It constricts the blood vessels under the skin, so the skin doesn’t get all the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It exposes the skin to toxic chemicals and increase the level of free radicals in the body, which also contribute to rapid aging. Years of smoking will cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely, and even have a grayish color. Plus, all that squinting from the smoke and pursuing the lips around the cigarette also mean more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. So vain smokers, beware. You might not care about the health risks of smoking, but you’ll surely hate the wrinkles it’ll give you!

While you don’t have to do it for as long as sleeping beauty did, sleep is necessary for healthy skin. Ever noticed how bad you look after a sleepless night? Whether it’s dark circles and bags under your eyes, a dull complexion or pimples, lack of sleep can’t be hidden. Sleep is necessary so your body can repair skin cells damaged during the day. So get at least eight hours a night and wake up looking and feeling your best!