One of the many things that can influence childs grades in the school is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability or power to control and trains one’s actions, impulses, or emotions. When it comes to studying, this trait can determine whether or not your child will stop playing and start doing his homework. If your child is self-disciplined, he can tell himself to study even if he does feel like it or review for a test even if he would rather watch the television. A self-disciplined child is able to do his homework even if it sometimes difficult. As we all know, studying is not always a pleasant task. The commitment and responsibility school requires of a child is probably similar to what a company needs of an adult employee. You can then imagine how demanding school can sometimes be.
As parents, we can have a strong influence in helping our children develop self-discipline. One way is by encouraging them to grow up with what we called “HFT”or high frustration tolerance. Do you allow your child to experience natural disappointments or some degree of discomfort? Or do you always cushion him from pain and make life easy as possible? HFT promotes a child’s ability to tolerate difficulties later on and so helps him become more persevering. The opposite of a child who is self-disciplined is one who is pampered. Such a child usually has poor frustration tolerance. He is used to doing things the easy way. He lacks perseverance and may easily give up. Even if he is described as intelligent, he may find it hard to stay focused on school work gwhen he begins seeing it as tedious, boring or difficult. Natural disappointments occur in situations beyond our control. If your child wants something he unexpectedly cannot have or an activity is planned but it suddenly does not push through. To develop HFT , it is good to allow such natural disappointments to happen. What you have to do is to tell him you understand how bad he feels about it, but that he has to accept the situation.
Aside from natural disappointments, you can create a tolerable degree of difficulty or discomfort at home. Some parents say they don’t want their children to go through the hardships they experienced when they were young. But now we realize that a certain amount of frustration can strengthen our children.
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